ThreeDFlattener.animateSpiral() shows a nice infinite tunnel animation. The colors are based on the fibonacciSpiral. This needs some tweaking and could use a GUI to configure it. But I'm committing now because this is the first really good looking animation. ThreeDFlattener.animateDemo3(n?: number): AnimationLoop shows a previous 3d animation.

Try new Circle(), new InertiaAndBounce(), new Physics(), new ExponentialFollower(), ThreeDFlattener.demo(), ThreeDFlattener.demo3(7), or Circle.removeAll() in the JavaScript console.

Or ThreeDFlattener.tunnelDemo({count: 600, periodMS: 8, perRevolution: phi, perspective: 2}). All options have reasonable defaults. Use ThreeDFlattener.tunnelDemo({}) or ThreeDFlattener.tunnelDemo() to get all defaults.

Or ThreeDFlattener.fibonacciSpiral({stripeCount: 13}). Or ThreeDFlattener.fibonacciSpiral({initialColor: "black", circleCount: 100, colors: ["lime", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "red"], perspective: 2/3, msBetweenStripes: 900}). All options have reasonable defaults. Use ThreeDFlattener.fibonacciSpiral({}) or ThreeDFlattener.fibonacciSpiral() to get all defaults.

Or followMouse(new Physics()) then followMouse(new Circle().configure({radius:0.025,color:"CornflowerBlue"})) then click your mouse to move the target.

Or exponentialFollower = new ExponentialFollower(), then inertiaAndBounce = new InertiaAndBounce(), then n ⨉ exponentialFollower.goal =

Or circle = new InertiaAndBounce().circle, then n ⨉ circle = new ExponentialFollower().followCircle(circle).circle.

Or Circle.overlapping([...Circle.allAttached()]).

Or followMouse(new ExponentialFollower()); followMouse(new Circle()). These will follow the mouse but only when the left button is down.


The source code is available at

These are different ways to display an SVG. The <IFRAME> allows me to view the SVG exactly the same as if the SVG were not part of this page. However, I can manipulate the SVG almost as easily as if the SVG were directly embedded in this page. This can be helpful if I want to display the SVG (like at the top of this page) but also have to option to save the image as a standalone SVG file.

I had to create an svg file on the local web server as a template to modify. If I start from a blank document, the browser will create an HTML document and embed my svg file in it. A data URL will have the wrong permissions, so the main document will have limited access to the <IFRAME>.