What is this?

This is a new take on the demos I've created in ./letters.html. The user can type any text he wants, including line breaks. And I will display the words as sky writing.

I really like the sky writing effect and I want to do a better job of that. Presumably I can add other effects, too, chosen from a radio button.

The idea is that a "normal" person could use this. Presumably you could write a message, customize it, then send someone a url to view it.

This is a work in progress. I'm refactoring code so ./letters.html and this page can share more code. At this point I can switch between different animation styles and configure the animation from the GUI. I need to fix some small bugs in the Handwriting demo, but it's a pretty good proof of concept. And I need to port more demos to this page.

I'm still focused on skywriting. Handwriting is an important step along the way.

This page is part of a bigger project.

Type something here

Available characters:

Use this control to adjust the time of the animation. Far left for the beginning, far right for the end.
